Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Honor Roll

There are 215 students on the honor roll for the first quarter, 62 of whom are on the ‘A’ honor roll! This represents 33% of our student body being on the honor roll. Our attendance rate for the first quarter was 95.9%. These statistics are testimony to the outstanding work of the faculty and staff. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Drop and Give Me 50

By Danielle Eastern

Arriving at the door of the gymnasium, Ms. Bretch and Mr. Armitage were planted, holding two clipboards in hand. Their positions helped paint a scene of two bouncers on the outside of a nightclub monitoring the VIP list before granting, those in line, entrance inside.

Conditioning began promptly at 3:15 p.m., but there were well over 40 athletes inside the gym before that time. The gym was nearly silent; only the sound of Ms. Bretch and the untangling of jump ropes could be heard. Both female and male athletes broke off into groups, obviously separated by age, because the distinction in behavior was apparent. Deon Wright, Varsity shooting guard, came into the gymnasium and immediately secluded himself. As he sat- elbows to his knees-on the outskirts of the center basketball court, he prepared himself for today’s battle of endurance.

The bell rings…

Every athlete in the gym began to line up beside the bleachers. “Line Up means HUSSLE and give me those laps,” yells Freshman Coach Stinman.