Monday, February 11, 2008

Bench press and squat...can you handle it?

The muscle man himself, Mr. Price, hosted the Messmer Bench PRESS and Squat Competition on January 9th after school. This was the chance for all Messmer students AND staff members to show what they were made of or basically, how strong they are.

“I was very overwhelmed to see the audience that came to support the event”, expressed Mr. Price with a warm smile. There were freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, teachers, staff, cheerleaders, parents and other family members, and alumni coming out to show their support that night. They cheered for one another hoping for them to do their best at either the bench presses or the squats. The Messmer family love was in the air.

This year's theme, “Build One Another Up”, was a key element shown that night. Mr. Price has done a wonderful job with the Fitness Club. There is no “negative” vibe about that.

The people who participated in the competition put a lot of hard work into their area. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday they were practicing after school with Mr. Price .

With all the hard work put into this event everything went smoothly. The students did everything that they knew they had to do to accomplish what they needed to accomplish. They made everyone proud especially Mr. Price. This bench press and squat competition was not just for the Fitness Club members. By doing this bench press and squat competition Mr. Price hopes to gain more members of the Fitness Club.

Another Bench Press and Squat competition will be hosted again in May 2008. Mr. Price is looking for more members for the Fitness Club and member to join the competition. Members are welcome to join whenever just have a sheet sign by a parent which you can get from Mr. Price.

As the students joke about how Mr. Price was going to win the competition between the faculties at bench press, he had no idea that he was going to win. He felt that since Mr. Gonzalez is strong as well that he would of won but, “When you work hard and give the time and effort good things happen” Mr. Price shared with sincerity.

Hopefully in May 2008 there will be more students and faculty in the Bench Press/Squat competition. Mr. Price is doing wonderful things with the Fitness Club and by doing this Bench Pres/Squat competition. I would like to tell him good job and keep up the good work. I am truly looking forward to the nest competition.

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