Thursday, March 13, 2008

Remaining Abstinent: The sex talk for a better future

By Shemika Pope

Last Tuesday March 4, 2008 was the assembly on life decisions and most importantly, abstinence. The genders split up with the girls heading to the auditorium and the boys off to the gym. Gust speaker Sally Ladky talked with the ladies while Brother Bob Smith and Mr. Jeff Monday as well as other male teachers spoke to the males.

Ladky spoke about many things, but her main target was to teach the girls “how to have the best sex.” This meant not to have sex but rather to wait for marriage when sex will be at its best. The things she brought up encouraged some and even discouraged others from having sex. “Her words made me think and want to wait to have sex and children [until] after marriage,” stated freshman Kalonda Johnson.

The difference between gentlemen’s and ladies' emotions, was also discussed as well as what women do and how we think about our actions and emotions. The girls were compared to egg noodles and a crock pot, while boys were compared to ego waffles and microwaves.
Statistics mentioned were very shocking especially since today’s generation typically will not marry their high school sweethearts.

Most of the girls believed these numbers and were surprised. “I thought the things she said were very shocking. The shocking point was girls loose their virginity at age 17.5,” stated junior Jekya Johnson.

To some of the students this discussion was nothing the students have not heard before. So maybe Ms. Ladky’s words went in one ear and out the other.

Senior Brittnay Mason and sophomore Precious Venable agreed. Brittnay Mason says she knew everything from other sex education. “I’ve experienced everything the speaker said.” Venable says she has already “had the talk” with her parents so this was nothing new.

I honestly think Ms. Ladky was speaking the truth but exaggerated her point, and luckily she was not also talking to the girls as if they were bad people if they have had sex already. I also think she was just trying to convince ladies to wait until marriage and that everybody makes mistakes and its what you do after the mistake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.