Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pilgrimage to Assisi coming up

By Sable Harris

When the word pilgrimage is mentioned, Malcolm X may come to mind, but there is probably a lot of confusion as to what the term really means. There maybe a basic understanding, but what exactly is a pilgrimage? Basically, it is a journey, and most likely a long one made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion. In December 25 Messmer students will have the opportunity to come up with their own interpretation of “pilgrimage”.

Senior Joseph Ferch, one of the students in the Franciscan Values class, which will culminate in the pilgrimage to Assisi in Italy is ecstatic about this opportunity to do more meaningful travel.

“I have already been to Africa, Japan, and Portugal, [so] Italy will be another to add to my travels,” states Ferch. The class will be following the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Clara of Assisi. Both of them have impacted the Catholic Church and the Messmer family.

The class has impacted Junior Kayla Wilder as well. “I get so much positive feed back from my classmates, and we feel a great bond between each other because we have all connected spiritually.”

The students will be making their pilgrimage over the Christmas and they will be reporting back about their experience.

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