Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Good things come in three!

By Germika Sanders

Not all good things come in pairs, they also come in trios!

The three musketeers, the three stooges, and now the three Dobraucs. Messmer's own Rachel Dobrauc is in fact a triplet with two other identical sisters named Mary and Joy. Although they all look alike physically, personality wise each one is quite different.

Rachel and her sisters are from Pittsburg, a small town in Kansas. Now the whole Dobrauc family lives in Omaha, Nebraska except for our Messmer teacher.

Growing up with two identical sisters didn't really thrill her as a child.
"I felt like I didn't have an identity," claims Rachel. She felt as if she and her sisters were always referred to as a group instead of individuals.

Each sister has very different character traits. Mary Dobrauc, who's now married and is Mary Cunard, is the reserved one out the bunch. Joy, on the other hand, is the spontaneous triplet. Rachel is the more outgoing outspoken one.

Although as children the sisters couldn't stand each other, as they grew older and went their seperate ways, their bond grew stronger. After graduating from high school Rachel attended Marquette University while the other two sisters attened Creighton University pursuing different dreams. Needless to say, "Ms Dobrauc" is an English/Mass Media teacher at Messmer High School. Joy works for a health care company in Omaha while Mary works at the University of Nebraska- Omaha.

As a child, sharing a birthday with two other sisters for Ms. Dobrauc meant limited presents!! Now grown, successful, and independent women, each sister misses celebrating October 26, with one another.


Anonymous said...

Very nice article! Great job :)


Unknown said...

The Foursquare is awesome!! I hope to celebrate our birthday WITH Ms. Dobrauc this year :)

Mary Cunard

Anonymous said...

That was a well written article. Now I know more about my English teacher, Ms. Dobrauc.-Gabrielle Winbush.