Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Two things Messmer doesn't have: Block schedules and year round school

There are different types of scheduling within the nation’s different school systems. A majority are 10-month school years, and some schools are year-round schools. It may sound like too much school, but it actually means these type of school are given longer breaks but are in school over 12 months as opposed to 10 months. There are also scheduling called block scheduling. These types allow students to experience different classes on different days. What do students prefer in terms of the structure of their days and school year?

Going to a school that has block scheduling is better because “We spend more time learning the subject thoroughly and actually understand the lessons,” says Derrion Brown, a senior at Pius High School. He thinks that having a block scheduling is better than going to an all year-round school and includes that the block scheduling gives you the opportunity to ask questions and really get to know your peers better.

On the other hand Messmer senior Brittany Miller claims, “It is much better for me not to have a block schedule because my attention span is low and I get bored hearing about the same thing for more than an hour.” She goes on to include that having a block schedule means that you only have about three classes a day which is more stationary than being able to move around during the day instead of staying in three rooms all day.

Many people think that going to an all year round school means more school days than other schools. In reality, a year round school has more time off then a regular school. Destiny Eison, an 8th graded at Greenfield Middle School says that from her experience at a year round school she ended up liking it because they get more days off than regular school. She also adds that getting more days off she gets more to do homework.

Junior Charles Sutton has his own thoughts. Before he came here he went to a block scheduling school. “I would rather go to an block schedule because you learn more if you are in the class for more than 45 minutes.”

Overall, many schools have different routines and schedules to fit their student bodies. They pick what schedule that best fits for them.

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