Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Best friends forever (BFF)?

By Tamiya Edwards, sophomore
In a Messmer poll, only half of students claim that they have a best friend. Most students believe that they have a best friend forever (BFF) because they want someone they can go to and tell all their secrets to or maybe want a friend that they can tell all their problems to without the whole schools knowing about it.
But what about the other half? Junior Briana Stewart-Jiles stated, “No, I don’t have a best friend.” She believes that she doesn’t need one and best friends don’t last forever.
However, most of the answers that was collected responses “yes” seem to be the same answer that popped up the most but with different a reason which was that they wanted someone who they can go to and talk to. Some people just feel as if they don’t need a best friend and don’t have any that’s worthy of being called their best friend.
Some students say that they choose their BFF based on trust, honesty, and humor. Freshman Jaelynn Molley stated, “They have to be trustworthy and they need to be a person who actually cares about how you feel.”
Sophomore Xavier Johnson stated, “Me and my BFF have been friends for about 6 years.” The reason why they lasted so long is because Johnson and his best friend do a lot of things together and have similar interests. Just like Johnson, half of those polled have been friends with their best friend for 6 years or more. Maybe the reason some friendships last that long is because they are friends with a person that they can trust, have good advice, never go behind their backs and talk bout them, and knows how to keep secrets
Senior Garry Santilana states, “I have 2 or 4 best friends.” Even though there is no limit on how many best friends you can, have but many students just call anyone they talk to their “BFF”. Only 40% claim say that they have only one or two BFFs. If you have students calling anyone their BFF then what’s the purpose for having a BFF at all then?
So many people change their best friends everyday. Maybe the reason for that is because they really don’t know what a real best friend really is. Or it can just be the person that they called their best friend did something that ruined their friendship either it was telling their secrets or talked about them behind their back. If you keep changing best friends every week or so then that means the people that you are calling your best friend really isn’t your best friend.
Tips for friends
Things you should do….
1. Be honest with your friend
2. There must be loyalty in your friendship
3. Communication, talk to your friend
4. You have to be trustworthy
5. Have things in common
Things you shouldn’t do….
1. Don’t betray your friend
2. Don’t be a back stabber
3. Don’t ever talk bout your friend behind their back
4. NEVER go with your best friend’s ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend
5. NEVER tell your best friend’s secrets to anyone else

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