Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Twitter isn't popular as everyone thinks

By Sharmane Hughes, sophomore
Twitter is a new network site that has taken a new toll on all populations. This social networking site has become so popular that celebrities are really active on it. Jay-Z, Nikki Minaj, Mario, Rihanna, and even the newest President Barack Obama are active Twitter users.
People are “tweeting” about many different things that are happening or going to happen in the future. This network website, that has been overflowed by all cultures, has also been referred to as the “New Facebook”.
In a Messmer poll, an overwhelming 95% of students know what Twitter is all about. Senior Tim Johnson states, “Of course I know what Twitter Is. Who doesn’t?” Maybe the other 5% will be a little more informed after they read this story!
“I’ve heard that it is a website where celebrities update or tweet about what they’re doing at the moment or what they’re going to do in the future,” states sophomore Alexandria Taylor. Celebrities are really popular among teenagers. There’s always a teenager who is obsessed or either wants to be just like a celebrity. Could that be their main attraction?
When people think of Twitter they might think of a website that lots of people are on and a place where everyone wants to visit. Surprisingly, even though almost everyone has heard of Twitter, 80% of people report that they never even use Twitter.
“Twitter is just a waste of time. It’s just another way to create drama,” claims Junior Keonna Windom. Although Twitter has become one of the most popular trends on the internet outside of the Messmer community, not everyone agrees that it is better than the network site called “Faceboook”.
“Better than Facebook? Never! You do the same things on Facebook that you do on Twitter except more,” exclaims Freshman Felix Ramsey. “You can update your statuses, upload cool pictures, and join celeb fan pages where they state where they’re going to be at the moment or what to look forward to them doing in the near future,” adds freshman Felix Ramsey.
There are also a number of other things you can do on Facebook that you can’t do on Twitter. You can watch videos, take quizzes ondifferent topics and compare them to other people scores, play games, and partake in other applications and things that are available there.
On the other hand, other individuals believe that Twitter is more convenient and informational. Kaitie Kovach, a Marquette University senior, is part of the Marquette Tribune newspaper staff. “As a journalism student, [Twitter is] good for news. You can tweet news and get it to tons of people, fast. Personally, I love it.”
Even though the Messmer community has an overwhelming dislike of the website Twitter, it may be a more quick and easier way of getting news from point A to point B. Say less but mean more; what do you think?

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