Monday, March 1, 2010

President Obama update

By Mark Thomas, senior
There is a lot expected of Barack Obama in his first year as President based on what he headlined in his campaign. He is expected to keep all of his promises no matter what they are, but is he on his way to success?
 Obama promised to bring about changes, and some may say he has done a good job so far or some might believe he has not done anything at all.  Whether he can fulfill all of his promises or not he still is expected to do so.
Just recently Barack Obama received the  Nobel Peace Prize on October 9, 2009 for  what he has done in the previous year. Many people are debating on whether or not he deserved the award. A lot of people feel that he has not done enough in the previous year and in his nine months as President . The President said that he would accept the award as “a call to action, a call for all nations…”
Early in his term President Obama announced that he would fix the economy and help create more jobs for people.  About one-third (35%) of the students think that he is doing a good job of stabilizing the economy and another third of the students (38%) thinks that he is doing what he said he would. 
Freshman Terrell Williams weighs in. “I do not know to much about Obama ,but I do know that he promised to do a lot. As long as he is doing things differently from former President George Bush, that is good enough for me.”
Overall Obama’s rating as President throughout the school is decent (80%) but on August 31, 2009  his national approval rating ranged from 50-61% according to the Gallup poll from
About one third of the students (38%) think that he is making the changes he said would come. Senior Corey Williams states, “Nothing is going to happen overnight.”    Even though he started just his term this year, Obama has more than three years to make changes as President.
Senior Garry Santillana admits that: “He is doing an okay job. Some of the things he said he was going to do before he got elected he is not doing yet.”  Though Obama was known for changing his mind on certain topics he is still keeping some of his promises.
Gregory Bates, a senior adds, “He is doing the opposite of what he said during his campaign. I have not seen any changes yet but I know it is too early to really tell anything.”
In the future Obama will have to continue to prove himself. He has a lot of promises to keep and a lot of people to please.  He has to show his leadership by helping people get through these tough times because a lot of people look up to him.  Only time will tell.

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