Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Senator Kohl visits students via the Distance Learning Lab

By Kamisha Harvey, sophomore
Senator Herb Kohl took time out of his day to talk to Messmer students in the Distance Learning Lab last week Wednesday.  Once a year he wants to speak with students around the state to understand their views and thoughts. Messmer High School was one school that participated.
 Senior Shameka Moore asked the Senator about health care not being passed. Kohl’s response was, “Today health care costs so much that it’s hard for people to pay. Since hospitals cost so much now, health care is taking money out of families pockets.”
Drunk driving laws and their enforcement was another topic of concern for Messmer students. Kohl responded that he feels no sympathy for those who hurt others through their own poor choices, especially driving drunk. He feels that Wisconsin is just as tough on drunk drivers as other states.
Another student from a local middle school asked, “Why are taxes so high compared to other states?” Kohl prompt response was that it’s up to state law makers and not federal policy.
Kohl provided some advice for to youth that deal with peer pressure on a daily basis. “They deal with peer pressure because they don’t stand up for themselves. If people stand up for what they believe in and stand up for themselves they can fight off the people that cause peer pressure,” states the Senator. The best way to deal with peer pressure is to just forget about that person and avoid them. Go the other way and don’t think about that person.

It was a great experience for students, and hopefully Messmer will be part of the panel next year as well. For the last two years students have also gotten to visit Senator Kohl's office in Washington DC. Students in the National Honor Society make a spring trip and experience all our Nation's capitol has to offer.

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